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Raccoon showing a card of LLM agents, developer working on background, processing tons of data from thousands of databases
Jul 18, 2024 11 min

LLM Agents: The Ultimate Insider’s Guide

Picture this: you’re a product manager. Your current task is to diagnose what caused the product to fail last year. Getting the gist of the process is straightforward. Even to those with no product management background. Your mission? To explore the development lifecycle and track progress from MVP to marketing strategies. Then review usage conditions…

Jul 11, 2024 11 min

AI in Product Development: Team-Maker or Team-Breaker?

AI in product development… Is it a good idea? Imagine a world where AI is not a tool, but a team member. It’s Monday morning, and your new teammate rolls into the office. Well, not rolls, more like pings the team chat with a cheerful “Good morning!” It doesn’t ask for coffee breaks and doesn’t…

young people sitting in living room and watching netflix while hamsters holding books radio smartphone game console think how to use ai in media and entertainment
Jun 28, 2024 11 min

Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the Entertainment Sector: Benefits and Impact

One may mistakenly assume that the application of AI in entertainment and media is mostly about automation. Yet, its powers have spread far beyond that: and in this article, you will see how Netflix proves this point with their case. Apart from that, you will find other ways of how AI is used in the…

Tired developer sitting late at night at his computer, working on new software, owls sitting around, illustrating Generative AI in software development help, one with tablet in its beak labeled AI
Jun 18, 2024 10 min

Generative AI in Software Development: Beyond Human Limits

What hides behind the mysterious term “conversational generative AI” in software development? Here’s a classic scene: the glow of a monitor, rhythmic tapping on a keyboard, and the quiet hum of a developer’s tireless mind. Now add an unexpected companion: artificial intelligence. It’s a digital sidekick that taps into late-night hours, analyzing existing code and…

Woman developer in a yellow sweater working on laptop with two chipmunks, resembling AI-powered quality inspectors, standing on her shoulders. Chipmunks examining content displayed on screen, symbolizing AI’s role in enhancing quality assurance process.
Jun 11, 2024 11 min

Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Quality Assurance: a Comprehensive Overview

AI, QA, testing… Once these terms seemed to belong to different tech galaxies. Can they go together these days? After all, when this trinity pops up in a conversation, it ignites fiery debates: “Can AI completely replace human testers? Is AI testing error-free?” What are these — myths that AI enthusiasts revel in, or the…