Custom Marketplace Development Company

Try our full-cycle custom marketplace development services, and let our tech-savvy developers transform your online store into a profitable and high-performing eCommerce platform in no time.


What Should Today’s Marketplace Platforms Be Like?

To lead the way in this digital age, your marketplace platform should constantly evolve, innovate, and adapt to the ever-changing business landscape. Qulix knows how to create one and can spice it up with cutting-edge features:

SEO-optimized content

User-friendly interface

Scalable architecture

security tools

Third-party integrations

back end

UI/UX design


Online Marketplace Development Services We Offer

Whether you're looking to build a brand-new marketplace from scratch or need expert help enhancing your existing online store, Qulix got you covered. We design, develop, and upgrade online marketplaces for various business models, including B2B, B2C, and C2C.

Custom Enterprise Marketplace Development

Fuel your future growth with our feature-rich B2B and B2C marketplace solutions. We'll take into account your business strategy, target audience, and the type of platform you want to create (vertical or horizontal) and build a secure and profitable product.

Custom Mobile Marketplace Development

Offer a hassle-free experience to your mobile users. We develop mobile-friendly trading solutions compatible with different devices, operating systems, and screen resolutions. With our responsive design, you can rest assured that your marketplace website or app looks great on any device.

Multi-Vendor Marketplace Development

Get a marketplace hosting multiple vendors, where your customers can choose from a wild range of products and services. Our team of experts will build a virtual platform that will attract sellers and buyers from all over the globe and provide access to the finest quality and price.

NFT Marketplace Development

Take advantage of our extensive fintech and cryptocurrency trading expertise and launch a platform where users can bid on non-fungible tokens. All our NFT software solutions are built on the blockchain technology, making them extremely secure and reliable.

C2C Marketplace Development Services

Connect one client to another and create a community of consumers by building a C2C marketplace, where everyone can buy and sell their goods. Our solutions include must-have features such as payment processing, user management, and product listings.

eCommerce Marketplace Development

Expand your reach online and become the owner of a custom eCommerce marketplace. Together we'll create a multi-platform solution tailored to your business model. Plus, we'll add a convenient order management system to make it easy for your customers to track their orders.

Industries We Work With

Take advantage of our cross-industry expertise and high-end solutions to overcome any challenges that arise in launching a marketplace platform.

Fintech & Banking







Real Estate

Share your ambitious marketplace idea
with us and we'll bring it to life.

How We Carry Out Custom Marketplace Development

From concept to launch and beyond, our team can help you create a thriving online marketplace that meets the needs of both buyers and sellers.

  1. Discovery
    You contact our team, we discuss your requirements, clarify all the nuances, and refine the details. Our analysts begin preliminary research, pinpoint the opportunities for making your product exceptional, and create a project that meets your demands.

  2. Prototyping
    Our creative UI/UX designers work closely with developers to create several prototypes, which include the basic app architecture: its core functionality and visual elements. You choose the one you like best, and we later transform it into a minimum viable product (MVP).

  3. Marketplace MVP Development
    At this stage, we start building the MVP. This is the bare bones, most basic version of your product with all the essential features. Your MVP won't be perfect, we'll add all the bells and whistles later. When it's ready, we can release it to the market to gather feedback from early users.

  4. QA & Testing
    Before we deploy your software, it needs a final polishing. That's why, our QA experts conduct comprehensive testing to make sure the solution is bug-free and meets all the standards you set. You can choose how you want our specialists to test it: manually or with automated tools.

  5. Official Launch
    After our QA engineers have thoroughly reviewed the code, implemented all recommended changes, and patched all vulnerabilities, Qulix DevOps experts deploy it in the required operating environment. From then on, your brand-new marketplace is open to the public.

  6. Maintenance & Support
    Once your product is up and running, we're not going to just leave you high and dry. The Qulix team will be there for you and your marketplace every step of the way. We'll continue to provide support and tackle any critical moments that come up after the deployment.

Why Team Up with Us?

Seize the chance to take the lead in online commerce with Qulix. We have a team of experienced IT specialists who've built upscale software solutions for businesses of every type and size from all over the world.




in our portfolio


times on the IAOP Global
Outsourcing 100 List






annual growth

Our Tech Stack


JEE Spring Framework Spring Boot Spring Data Spring Integration Spring XDHibernateJSFJAASJasperReportsSwaggerGrailsiBATISVelocity


C# .NET CoreASP.NET MVCASP.NET Web APIASP.NET SignalRWPFStimulReportsNHibernateEntity FrameworkUnityStructureMap

Front End


Cloud Techs

Amazon Web Services (AWS)Microsoft Azure, Amazon SQS Azure Service BusAzure QueueAmazon RDSAmazon AuroraAzure SQL DatabaseAmazon DynamoDBAzure DocumentDBAzure Table storageAzure Blob storageAzure Redis CacheAmazon ElastiCacheAmazon CloudSearchAzure Search


Kentico OrchardnopCommerceUmbracoSitecoreLiferayAlfresco

Blockchain Platforms

Ethereum BitcoinHyperledgerRippleQuorumGrapheneEchoStellar



Why Outsourcing Marketplace Development Can Be Your Lifesaver?

Who will you work with when it comes to developing a custom marketplace solution? You have several options: build it yourself, hire a team of in-house developers, or outsource the project to third-party vendors. Chances are, the latter will be the best choice for you and your business. Here are just a few reasons why:


Save yourself the hassle and expense of developing an online marketplace platform on your own. A team of professionals will not let you down and help you avoid critical mistakes that can lead to even more expenses.

to Skilled Talent

Gain access to a group of experts who will work with you to build a world-class marketplace. They'll not only launch a high-quality product, but also integrate it with third-party services and provide 24/7 support.

Faster Time
to Market

Turn this make-or-break metric to your advantage by choosing to outsource. Skilled eCommerce marketplace developers will help you avoid common mistakes that can significantly delay the launch of your software.

Focus on Your
Core Business

Leave the heavy lifting to an outsourced development team and avoid stretching your own staff too thin. When you delegate the development process, you can focus on what you do best while running your business.

You Ask, We Answer

What Are the 3 Types of Marketplaces?

Business-to-business (B2B): connects businesses with other businesses. These platforms are typically used by companies that need to source products or services from other businesses. B2B marketplaces usually have more buyers than sellers and often deal in large transactions.

Business-to-consumer (B2C): connects businesses with consumers. This type is popular among companies that trade directly with customers. B2C platforms tend to have more sellers than buyers and often involve small transactions.

Consumer-to-consumer (C2C): connects consumers with consumers. This is where customers can buy and sell goods to other people. Such marketplaces are generally more niche and cater to specific interests.

What Is a Marketplace Development Platform?

Marketplace development platforms represent an innovative and efficient way for businesses to enter the online trading space. They provide all the necessary infrastructure and essential features to build and operate a marketplace. These typically include a central marketplace website, payments and billing, customer management, shipping and fulfillment, business analytics, and customer support.

How Do You Create a Marketplace?

The process includes the following stages:

1.Discovery. It involves understanding the client's business, goals, and target audience. This step is critical to determining the project feasibility and setting realistic expectations.

2.Prototyping. Here, we build a marketplace prototype. This is a low-detail version of the product used to test basic concepts and functionality.

3.MVP. We launch a minimum viable product to a limited audience to collect feedback from early users.

4.QA and testing. At this stage, our QA experts make sure your marketplace functions properly and there are no bugs in it.

5.Launch. Now we deploy the product, and it becomes available to the public.

6.Ongoing support. After a successful launch, we provide maintenance and support to ensure your software runs smoothly, and your users are happy.

What Is an Enterprise Marketplace?

It is a type of online marketplace designed for businesses to sell their products and services to other businesses. Enterprise marketplaces are similar to other kinds of online stores, such as C2C or niche marketplaces, but they are created with business needs in mind. Think of them as Amazon for companies: they offer a convenient way to search and compare prices, read reviews, and place orders.

How Do You Build a Secure Marketplace?

When it comes to eCommerce, security is our top concern. After all, we're dealing with sensitive customer data and financial transactions.

There are a few key steps we take to develop custom marketplaces that are safe and secure for both buyers and sellers. First, we have robust authentication and verification processes in place. This helps ensure that only legitimate users can access your platform. Second, we provide clear and concise terms of service that outline acceptable user behavior. And third, we add a reliable reporting and moderation system so that the marketplace owner can quickly deal with any suspicious or fraudulent activity.

Read more about our security measures here.

How to Cut Marketplace App Development Costs?

One option is to use an off-the-shelf solution or a marketplace development platform. There are many companies offering such services, so you can launch your app quickly and without expensive customization. However, this variant won't allow you to create a unique product with a bespoke design and all the features you need.

A better option is to outsource your development to a trusted and experienced service provider, like Qulix. This can save you a lot of money since you won't have to hire an expensive in-house team. You'll also have peace of mind knowing that your marketplace project is in safe hands of professionals.


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