Banking and Financial Software Development

We are tech partners of digital transformation in the banking and Fintech domains. Our apps are distinguished by prudent business logic, customized features, improved security, and clean UI/UX.

Our Highlights

20+ banks use our software

Many large European and Asian banks use our financial software solutions.

80% of our projects — in
the financial area

We are very focused on the financial domain, especially within the digital banking area.

Innovative solutions available

We have our own innovative Fintech solutions for digital banking, e-invoicing, payments, etc.

Financial Software Services

Digital Services Implementation

Renovate your business by introducing modern-age digital services.

Reach out for
- Dedicated engineering teams for banks
- Digital services audit and roadmap definition
- Development of digital banking systems and financial platforms

QA for the Financial Sector

QA is an absolute must for financial sector players to build up customer loyalty.

Try out
- Test automation solutions for digital banking
- Load/performance testing for financial applications
- Implementation of stub frameworks

UI/UX for Banking and Fintech

We are your No. 1 candidate for UI/UX design for banking and Fintech.

Our UI/UX services include
- UI/UX concept development
- Microfrontend UX design
- UX adaptation for mobile devices

Migration Projects

Your legacy systems will shine again after decoupling into efficient microservices.


We provide banking and financial software solutions from scratch or can enhance already deployed systems and components.

Digital financial
Marketplace with openAPI

e-Invoicing & B2B
Payment solutions

Front-office software

Omni-channel digital banking (online
banking, mobile banking, virtual office, etc.)

Connection of ATM or kiosk channels
to omnichannel customer service systems

AI recommendation engines for Fintech

Remote identification projects and KYC

Trading platforms and

Gateways and adapters
(payment gateway etc.)

e-Wallet and Mobile
wallet systems

PFM (Personal Finance Management) and
BFM (Business Finance Management)

Digital systems to work with investment

Payment hubs

openAPI layer

Loan factory

Product catalogue software

Digital sales software for banks

Risk management software for banks

Our Teams

No need for individual staffing. We have already assembled, balanced, and focused engineering teams ready for onboarding.

At least 2 projects in
common for every team member

Service Team (Micro-team) – group of engineers who already worked together and know how to do certain task/project.Service Team (Micro-team) – group of engineers who already worked together and know how to do certain task/project.

Established team
process — task management, quality control, delivery of results, and so on

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Team specialization and focus on
certain task types

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Existing business
expertise for
certain domains

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Service Team Structure

Service Team (Microteam) is a group of engineers who have already worked together and know how to do certain tasks/projects.

Examples: mobile app team, back-end team, front-end app team, microservice/feature team, and so on.

And for bigger projects, we create project teams based on a set of microteams thus making the whole staffing process easily scalable.

QA, UX, DevOps, and other resources may be part of a microteam or may work as a separate team depending on the project staffing requirements.

We may send you a couple of available team profiles within 3 business hours from your request time.

Omnichannel Platform Implementation

Omnichannel Platform Implementation

The system gives access to the bank’s products, payments, money transfers, extracts, etc. via a set of channels (web, mobile, terminal). This is a good case of a hybrid team that combines the bank's and Qulix  employees.

“It is a pleasure to work with Qulix. We appreciate their professional management, excellent technical skills, quality service, and the dedication and flexibility of the team.”

Denis Sotin,
Head of IT


Sergey Zhirko

Head of Fintech Cluster

“For over a decade, we have been implementing complex projects for the financial industry: banks, investment companies, and Fintech services. Our company has an immense number of solutions and components to build a truly effective financial software solution that takes into account the domain standards, reliability, and security in full.”

Cooperation Models

Outstaffing or

This option will be a perfect match for those who need to launch a project straight away but lack a team with proper qualifications. We offer great teams under T&M terms that will deal with your tasks super efficiently.

Hybrid Development
in a Joint Team

Such a model implies close cooperation of the Qulix team and your in-house hub. During the project, we share our killer workflows and deep domain expertise with your team.


First, we develop and implement a system in close cooperation with your team. Then we gradually minimize our involvement in the project leaving a fully-functional development hub for you.

Our Customers


Fintech providers

Credit unions

Insurance companies

Investment companies

Financial data vendors

Brokerage firms

Funds and trusts

Omnichannel Digital Banking Platform

StandFore FS is a new approach to remote banking. It has already given 20+ middle and big banks a new fresh user experience, rich functionality, optimized business processes, and superior scalability and maintainability.

What does our platform include?

Integrated digital sales &
clients segmentation

Customizable user interface and integration

Fully microservice-based architecture

Full source codes, SDKs, and documentation

Enjoy omnichannel support (web, mobile, terminals & ATMs) and a 360-degree approach to client servicing.

Added Values


Security Audit

We will do a profound security audit of your existing solutions. Uncover the weak points of your system to shield your data from external threats.


 UI/UX Review
and Advice

Our in-house UI/UX lab analyzes the user flow, breakdown into logical blocks, etc. We also create wireframes and prototypes in your brand colors for better visualization.

Rapid implementation
of a DEMO

Qulix provides quick access to a basic customized demo version of the system. Check out how your system will look and feel.

Your Digital Transformation Partner

If you're looking for a reliable partner capable of delivering brilliant banking and financial software, you're on the right page. Qulix offers:

Software Development

With us, you get seamless custom software development from A to Z.

IT Consulting

We share with you our valuable insights on financial services.

Digital Transformation

We proactively participate in your digital transformation projects.

Reach out to talk business and get accurate estimates for your endeavors.

We Know How to Address Potential Challenges

Optimization from the very start

Before you select a financial software developer and start a project, it is important to create a document, which contains the planned scope of work, the general technical architecture, functional, and business requirements. It helps to avoid crucial misunderstandings with software developers at the stage of tender and bid comparison and helps to receive adequate estimates of digital banking and Fintech software development.

It takes 1–2 months and usually costs less than 5% of the estimated project cost. Investment in business analysis and IT consulting at the initial investigation step can save you time and resources later.

Balance between predictability and flexibility

As vendors, we are aware of the budgeting issues in banks and yearly budgets. We always back up our suggestion to use the Time and Material cooperation model with strong facts and calculations, based on our experience. However, if our customers choose the fixed-cost model, we do our best to deliver the financial software system as described, with a focus on customer’s needs and expectations.

Integration with legacy systems and third-party services

We are open to the integration of third-party services and tools in our systems and gathering the existing systems within one platform, when possible.


We develop digital channels for banks and Fintech with a high level of personalization (interface, content, services, offers, and more) on time and budget. StandFore FS by Qulix Systems — our proprietary integrated front-end platform for banking —  allows shortening time-to-market and get a fully functioning solution earlier. It is already implemented in the Top 20 Eastern European Banks.


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