Data Governance
as a Service

Bridge the gap between data holders and data users in your company and protect valuable information with our data governance services.


Why Choose Enterprise Data Governance
for Your Business?

Structured Information

Adjust business-critical information to a single, easy‑to‑comprehend standard.

No Error-Prone Data

Keep your data compliant with the latest regulations and ensure its ultimate security.

Total Transparency

Boost decision-making by getting a clear picture of where and how your data assets are stored.

Enhanced Experiences

Use perfectly arranged data sets for advanced data analytics and deliver superb services.

Data Governance Services We Offer

Data Consulting

Even if your business data is a total mess and you've reached a deadlock, trying to gather and arrange its odds and ends scattered around, don't rush into panic, as we know how to buck you up. Armed with time-tested tools, our data consultants are always ready to address the challenge and define the right strategy to solve your data tangle.

Data Auditing

No matter how competent your data specialists are, the human mind is still fallible. That is why never underestimate the significance of timely data auditing. To keep on the safe side and ensure data quality, once or twice a year, let third-party analysts assess the state of your data throughout its entire lifecycle. We are at your command!

Data Visualization

Need to process loads of data and represent it in the most digestible and structured manner? Our data visualization team will eagerly come to your rescue. After extracting insights from your data masses, our brilliant specialists will invigorate dull letters and numbers by turning them into colorful, easy-to-grasp maps, dashboards, and infographics.

Data Security & Protection

Data breaches, leakages, and hacking attacks are a nightmare of any business. That is why it is essential to maintain a proper security level at each stage of the data lifecycle, i.e., from its creation to disposal. As a real IT stager, we are well aware of that and are ready to remove this burden from your shoulders and secure your data against cyber risks.

Data Privacy

When it comes to the protection of sensitive data (financial, personal, health-related, etc.), even more stringent security measures should be applied. The Qulix team surmounts such challenges with flying colors by categorizing the information, elaborating granular access policies, and developing multifactor authentication mechanisms.

Integrated Data Governance

Hunting for a long-term tech partner to govern your business data under the internal policies and external standards? Look no more, as the Qulix team is already here to turn all your requirements into a single data governance framework. After evaluating the current state of your data and checking its compliance with current regulations, we will handpick the right tools to build a future-oriented framework aligned with a viable data governance strategy.

Alexey Sliborsky

Alexey Sliborsky

Solution Architect

Well-governed data is the backbone for master data management, predictive analytics, Business Intelligence, and other processes. By integrating data governance into your business model, you empower your enterprise in the here and now and lay the lasting foundation for further more complex and effective practices.

Three Reasons to Turn to Our Data Governance Team

Diverse Talent Pool

Our top mixture of data consultants, analysts, engineers, and data stewards is ready to shed light on your hidden business insights.

Streamlined Processes

We may boast perfectly set-up workflows and adept managers that form the bedrock of successful project implementation.

Great Flexibility

Our team follows the principle “what the client says goes” and never hesitates to adjust the project to the latest requirements.






years in the 

Fair price/
quality ratio



Our Customers

Startup Founders

who want to make data-driven decisions from the onset of their business journeys

Mid-Size Companies

that are tired of data chaos and strive to gain full control of crucial information

Savvy Entrepreneurs

who feel the urge to push the boundaries of their capabilities in the right direction

Scope of Expertise





Our Data Governance Toolkit

Data Integration

Azure Data Factory Azure Event Grid Boot Microsoft SQL Server

Data Storage

MongoDB PostgreSQL MySQL Amazon DynamoDB

Amazon Quicksight Microsoft Power BI Grafana FusionCharts

Data Governance

Atlan SAP Oracle Collibra IBM

Python TensorFlow Apache AirFlow Keras scikit-learn PyTorch

Pricing Models You May Choose

Launch a cost-efficient digital transformation process aligned with your vision and capabilities by picking the most comfortable payment option:

monthly payments



Business Value Unlocked by Our Data
Governance Services

Without DG:

  • Same data sets scattered across several locations
  • Poor data quality
  • Informational silos between different teams
  • Hit-or-miss strategic decisions
  • Fear of security breaches and data leakages

With DG:

  • High-quality data ready for further processing
  • No duplicate leads and data chaos
  • Streamlined cross-departmental interactions
  • Enhanced decision-making
  • Reliably protected data assets

How to Get Started

Fill in the 
contact form

the quote

the contract

the project


What are data governance services?

Data governance is the process of elaborating standards and policies that ensure data accuracy, usability, availability, and security. These standards rely on both internal principles and external rules and regulate data collecting, processing, storage, and disposal.

Data governance services encompass all the measures, tools, and human resources required to create a data governance framework and integrate it into the enterprise data strategy.

What are examples of data governance?

When an organization processes large quantities of customer data, there is always space for mistakes and duplicate information. As a result, further advanced analytics and business intelligence get hampered and reveal a distorted picture. When implementing data governance, you can adjust business-critical data to a common standard, make it easily reachable and usable for all departments, and get a comprehensive view of your customer pool.

What is data governance as a service?

Data governance is a beneficial yet challenging process that requires dedicated professionals like chief data officers, data managers, and data stewards. On the one hand, you may allocate time and budget to compile such an in-house team by yourself. On the other hand, it's way more lucrative and faster to delegate data management to a data governance service provider, i.e., to resort to data governance-as-a-service.

What is data governance consulting?

Data governance consultants are well-versed specialists who help organizations define the best-fit data governance program by analyzing initial data quality and prioritizing data assets.

What is SAS data governance?

Located in the USA, SAS Institute is a software company renowned for its data analytics solutions. A statistical analysis system (SAS) is one of them. With SAS data governance, you can boost the collaboration between data stewards, executive managers, and IT teams and implement effective data governance.

What are the 3 key elements of good data governance?

The key ingredients of a properly implemented data governance are people, tools, and processes. Therefore, when elaborating the data governance strategy to answer your business objectives, try to hire experienced specialists, pay attention to their tool sets, and integrate effective data management practices into your organizational processes.

What specialists do I need to implement data governance?

The right combination of tech specialists, business executives, and data experts is the groundwork for a successful process delivery. Here are the key responsibilities of each group:

  • A chief data officer or data governance manager takes charge of all the decisions regarding the data governance program and leads the team responsible for data framework development;
  • Business executives and data owners form a data governance committee that approves or rejects the internal standards and policies for data protection, usage, access, and disposal;
  • Data stewards keep control over data models and metadata to make sure the predefined standards and policies are implemented. Data stewardship is an integral part of data protection procedures.
What types of data exist?

In the broadest sense, data can be:

  1. Structured (concise information in a machine-readable format);
  2. Unstructured or semi-structured (data that requires human interpretation entirely or partly);
  3. Big data (data sets too huge to be processed by the existing technology).
What is master data?

Master data is the lifeblood information associated with the core processes of enterprises. There can be product, customer, and financial master data types that answer the questions Who, What, and Where.

Is there any difference between master data management and data governance?

While data governance focuses on creating standards that meet regulatory compliance requirements, master data management (MDM) does the utmost to implement these standards in practice. In other words, data governance is just part of data management.

What are the pillars of successful data governance?

The four components that allow companies to govern their data in the most streamlined manner are:

  • Data stewardship;
  • Reliable data protection mechanisms;
  • Data quality enhancement practices;
  • Best-in-breed data tools.
How to develop a data governance framework?

A combination of policies, standards, rules, and technologies for enterprise data management that are properly documented and presented is called a data governance framework. Here's how its development may unfold:

  1. Assess the current data state and analyze current compliance levels;
  2. Choose proper tools;
  3. Elaborate the data governance strategy;
  4. Inform all the departments about the upcoming changes;
  5. Keep your framework compliant with the latest regulatory requirements.


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