raccoon in blue panama hat and raccoon robot shake hands against digital background with icons of ai tools and discuss ai outsourcing while man in sunglasses and black suit smile at them and admire their savvy by raising his forefinger to forehead

Apr 22, 2024

9 min

Unleashing the Power of AI Outsourcing: Your Ultimate Guide!

With AI outsourcing services, forget about those times when robotic process automation and better-informed decisions were the privilege of few. Today, anyone can deliver personalized recommendations like Booking or Instagram, automatically optimize prices like Uber or Ryanair, timely predict churn like Netflix or Spotify, and relish other tech opportunities with no substantial upfront investments.

Read this article and learn how to follow the lead of your renowned competitors and unlock the full potential of AI outsourcing for your business.


written by:

Maria Zhirko

Software Developer

raccoon in blue panama hat and raccoon robot shake hands against digital background with icons of ai tools and discuss ai outsourcing while man in sunglasses and black suit smile at them and admire their savvy by raising his forefinger to forehead

With AI outsourcing services, forget about those times when robotic process automation and better-informed decisions were the privilege of few. Today, anyone can deliver personalized recommendations like Booking or Instagram, automatically optimize prices like Uber or Ryanair, timely predict churn like Netflix or Spotify, and relish other tech opportunities with no substantial upfront investments.

Why Artificial Intelligence Has Caught On?

Over the past decade, artificial intelligence has enriched our daily routine with smart voice assistants, customer-tailored recommendation engines, apps with predictive typing and facial recognition functionality, website chatbots, autonomous cars, and other AI-based marvels. But how exactly does the technology work under the hood, and why is it sought-after?

The history of AI hearkens back to the 1950s, when the masterminds of those time were making the first attempts to combine the power of machines and the human brain. That’s how checkers-playing and chess-playing programs saw the light of the day. After 50 years of experiments and zealous work, we've got the technology that learns from the data fed to algorithms and imitates such parts of human intelligence as visual perception, speech recognition, reasoning, and translation.

Today’s artificial intelligence takes care of data clusterization, regression, forecasting, dimensionality reduction, and anomaly detection, enabling organizations to get the most out of their business data. Moreover, by encompassing machine learning, deep learning, and computer vision, AI serves as the groundwork for natural language processing and intelligent data retrieval.

infographics on fields of artificial intelligence ai with raccoon

You can raise an objection and reply that people can also handle these tasks. But the truth is that algorithms can analyze huge data chunks in no time, while enabling companies to boost effectiveness and overall productivity. Now you got it why AI has found favor with millions of undertakers and why its market is anticipated to surpass $1.8 trillion by 2030.

Outsourcing vs. Outstaffing

As we speak, AI continues straddling our digital era and enthralling the minds of entrepreneurs who strive to remain competitive. If you are one of them but lack experience with this hippest technology or resources for in-house specialists, resorting to an AI staffing agency or an attempt to build an offshore team for AI development would be a good idea.

Let's fill in the blanks in our knowledge and explore the difference.


You entrust certain tasks to third parties to minimize costs or get relevant expertise right away.

Depending on the location of outsourcing partners, you may choose:

  • Onshoring (a provider is in your region);
  • Nearshoring (a provider is in a neighboring region or country);
  • Offshoring (a provider is in a remote location).

According to the process criteria, it can be:

  • KPO (Knowledge Process Outsourcing, i.e., research, consultancy, or other knowledge-intensive tasks are delegated);
  • BPO (Business Process Outsourcing, i.e., you outsource a company’s key activities that bring revenue).

Outstaffing (dedicated development, staff augmentation)

When you hire pre-vetted teams or specialists for a certain period to work under your supervision, it’s outstaffing. In the contractor staffing (AI) model, the hired experts work together with your team, which leads to mutual upskilling and accelerated deployments.

Both outsourcing and AI staffing solutions are excellent ways to bring your project to life with minimal investments. However, since our article is primarily dedicated to AI outsourcing, let's focus on the peculiarities of this model.

AI/ML Outsourcing Services You Should Try

According to research by Deloitte, 65% of respondent companies state that outsourcing allows them to concentrate on core business functions while optimizing performance and costs. This is another pro-argument to outsource machine learning.

Below, we shortlist the tasks you can delegate to AI startups with peace of mind.

  • Image analytics (building systems capable of detecting objects in images and videos);
  • Advanced data analysis (creating functionality that can process vast data amounts to uncover hidden insights, correlations, and patterns);
  • Predictive analytics (elaborating solutions that anticipate trends, predict anomalies, and detect frauds with the help of historical data analysis);
  • Natural language processing (developing systems that recognize and imitate written or spoken human language);
  • AI-powered chatbots (outsourcing AI to create next-gen virtual assistants and integrate them into the existing solution).

robot raccoon offer another raccoon in blue panama hat to outsource ai by showing tablet and raccoon understand benefits of ai and machine learning in business operations

Outsourcing AI Development in 7 Steps

If you want to revamp your business and shift the burden of AI software development to artificial intelligence and machine learning outsourcing companies, select a tech partner wisely. Here are our tips to help you surmount the challenge.

Step#1. Analyze Your Business Idea

To make the project live up to your expectations, start with a profound market analysis and assess the potential saleability of the end product. Then, answer the following questions to define your starting point from a technical perspective:

  • What are the goals of your project? What business needs will it cover?
  • What machine learning outsourcing services are required?
  • What will be the product's role in the company's IT ecosystem?
  • Is it project overtake or from-scratch development? Have you already used any tools or architecture in the project?
  • Do you have enough data for the specified task? Is it high-quality data?
  • Are there any security limitations regarding data processing?
  • Do you want to deploy your own models or use existing APIs?
  • What is your budget for hardware?
  • What specialists/expertise do you need?
  • What are the estimated deadlines?

In the end, you should get a clear vision of the future product and its functionality, as well as the team and technologies. If you need help with this step, don't hesitate to turn to AI outsourcing consultants. That’s their job, after all.

Step#2. Allocate the Budget

No matter whether you outsource data science, machine learning, or AI, your specialists' work will most probably be estimated in hours. Thus, to set the budget limit per specialist, allocate a particular sum of money for the entire project (or per month) and do calculations using the information from the previous step (the exact team structure and project duration). Also, don’t forget to include hardware costs in your financial plan.

Step#3. Scrutinize the Outsourcing Market

Now that you know your financial capabilities and project requirements, it's time to get the search started. The simplest way to find a competent AI and machine learning outsource partner is to ask your industry peers for recommendations or scrutinize the vast reaches of Google and review platforms like IAOP or Clutch.co.

Step#4. Reach Out to Several Companies

After a thorough analysis, shortlist 5 to 7 potential AI outsourcing partners and get in touch with them. During meetings, pay attention to their tech and human talent capabilities, language skills, methodologies, and exact hourly rates. Then, handpick the best-fit service provider.

infographics on ai outsourcing

Step#5. Sign a Contract

This step is dedicated to red-tape issues, i.e., you need to stipulate all the conditions, terms, and payment models, as well as decide on the infrastructure access policies and sign the documents. Also, if you want to double-protect the sensitive data, conclude an NDA.

Step#6. Create a Roadmap

When outsourcing AI development, define communication channels and elaborate the roadmap before the launch to keep abreast with the progress of the project. In this way, you will see the deadlines for each stage and be able to monitor the workflow.

Step#7. Launch the Project

After finishing all the preparations, you can kick the project off and wait for the first fruits of labor.

Food for Thought

Some experts dub artificial intelligence a mixed blessing, as it enriches companies with never-yet-seen capabilities while raising such issues as job displacement or information bias. However, we believe that with the right combination of technology and human talent, it is possible to turn AI into a competitive advantage for your business. The only challenge here is to strike this fine balance. 

raccoon in blue panama hat hold laptop stand on ball and try to find balance when using artificial intelligence ai and machine learning ml

Dare to do some AI outsourcing? Team up with us, and we will clue you in on the best-fit transformation options, provide you with the necessary skills for AI implementation, and turn your project vision into a stunning solution.

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What is outsourcing in technology?

Information technology outsourcing is the process of delegating software development tasks to third-party providers. If you hatch some app idea and lack an engineering team capable of bringing it to life, resort to outsourcing companies like Qulix.

What is AI?

Artificial intelligence is a branch of computer science and technology devised to imitate the functions of the human brain. AI algorithms can quickly process vast amounts of unstructured data, identify patterns and correlations, cluster similar objects, and reveal future trends. In other words, with AI technology, data analysis automation becomes a task of sheer simplicity.

What is the role of AI in outsourcing?

AI technologies keep transforming the outsourcing market, which evokes the interest of both outsourcers and their clients. Those who look for the right outsourcing partner, employ AI tools to gather and analyze the information on potential tech providers and make data-driven decisions.

Conversely, outsourcing providers leverage AI solutions to enhance service quality, boost operational efficiency, and remain up-to-date. For instance, they integrate AI-based virtual assistants into websites to streamline collaboration and use AI systems to automate the development process and tasks of the human resources department.

How will AI change outsourcing?

With AI adoption, traditional outsourcing has altered for good. Tech providers offer various AI and machine learning services that automate repetitive tasks, simplify the testing stage, accelerate regular security audits, streamline deployments, and timely detect potential risks. All in all, AI models enable businesses to minimize human error, which ushers in significant cost savings (in the long game) and exceeded customer expectations.

What is AI outsourcing?

When you fall back on the technical expertise of an outsourcing provider to build solutions with machine learning models, natural language processing (NLP), or advanced data analytics at the core, we are witnessing a vivid example of AI outsourcing.

Is it OK to outsource?

Outsourcing is an excellent way to hire skilled professionals at a reasonable price, which makes it a widely adopted practice. While some organizations take advantage of outsourcing to delegate workflow-enabled processes, others entrust the entire tech projects to third parties to relish accelerated product releases. Both scenarios help businesses operate smoothly.

What is BPO?

Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) is the practice of delegating activities that bring revenue (operational processes) to third-party service providers. The global BPO market keeps growing and is forecasted to overtake $440 billion by 2028.

What is the difference between DevOps and AIOps?

DevOps (development and operations) is an approach employed to minimize silos between the development and operations teams that toil at the same tech project. The CI/CD framework, source control management, Infrastructure-as-a-Code, and product stability are the four pillars of DevOps.

AIOps is the practice that helps businesses optimize all kinds of IT operations by using AI/ML-related technologies. The key advantages unlocked by outsourced AIOps services are streamlined data processing, boosted MTTR- and MTTD-metrics, and automated data entry and validation of security protocols.

What is the difference between AI and generative AI?

Artificial intelligence is a broader notion covering a technology used to craft machines and software capable of executing tasks associated with human intelligence, while generative AI (GenAI) is a new-age subset of AI capable of producing new content in response to the prompt set by the end user.

What is the difference between deep learning and machine learning?

Both deep learning and machine learning are subsets of AI. However, while ML is a method that allows machines to learn from data and solve problems with little human intervention, deep learning is a type of ML that uses artificial neural networks to deal with structured and unstructured data. The list of benefits of machine learning in business operations is impressive: enhanced productivity, better customer sentiment analysis, timely fraud detection, and predictive maintenance.

What are the largest AI outsourcing providers?

The list of the 8 biggest AI outsourcing companies includes:

  • IBM;
  • Accenture;
  • Qulix;
  • Capgemini;
  • Cognizant;
  • Infosys;
  • Wipro;
  • Palantir.


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