Mobile App Development Agency for Startups

Let our masters of mobile app development for startups join your team and make the dream project come true.


Unleash Your Potential with Our Startup
Mobile App Development Services

Android/iOS App Development

Since native mobile apps can boast high performance and the ability to support multiple features, they come in handy when you need to build a scalable app with rich functionality. As a top mobile app development company, we are always ready to offer you a thoroughly tested solution tailored to a particular operating system.

From-Scratch App Development
for Startups

Have a brilliant, market-winning idea and don't know how to get started? Our software development company is happy to give you a helping hand. Feel free to share with us your project vision, and our dedicated engineers and project managers will do the utmost to provide you with full-cycle software development services and impeccable solutions.

Project Takeover

As a trusted mobile app development company for startups, we never shy away from the challenge to fine-tune the already-launched app development process. Our highly-skilled teams will eagerly take on the existing project, scrutinize and fix the code, rethink the architecture, ensure support throughout the entire app lifecycle, and launch a technically sound solution aligned with your core business objectives.

& Hybrid App Development

Get the most out of the multipurpose approach by resorting to one of the industry-leading app development companies. Unlike the iOS/Android app development, the hybrid approach makes it possible to unite native and web apps in one product. And a cross-platform solution with a universal code base helps software owners attract users from several stores in a cost-friendly way.

High-End Mobile Solutions We Build





Why Choose Our Startup
App Development Company

Result-Driven Approach

A result-focused approach to software creation, as well as transparent working relationships with our partners, are what make us stand out among other development companies for startups. Once our experts get down to the projects, not only do they provide clients with a thorough consultation but also analyze market trends to build high-demand solutions.

Boosted Delivery

The success of startup mobile apps significantly depends on the speed of the development process. That is why, while bringing to life a unique idea, our developers and business analysts stick close to the deadlines and do their best to convert a client's outstanding concept into a deployable product in the most efficient way.

Great Flexibility

When pooling the efforts around app development for a startup, we always try to stay on the same page with our customers by taking advantage of the agile methodology. Our dedicated specialists eagerly apply various strategies to software development until finding the perfect one. Besides, we retain flexibility by offering clients several engagement models and payment options.

Quality Testing Services

QA and testing services were the starting point of our business journey, which later turned into our competitive edge. Accumulated tech knowledge in the field, as well as hands-on experience with all kinds of software analysis, allow our testing engineers and app developers to offer you thoroughly scrutinized, hacker-proof mobile apps destined for the long run.





in the industry

Fair price/
quality ratio



Our Clients

Initiative Undertakers seeking expert advice on their ambitious ideas

Mid-Stage Startups that get stuck in the middle of their business journey

Well-Established Players aiming to scale their feature-rich products

Fields of Expertise











Technologies We Employ

Android Apps

Kotlin, Android Java, Android SDK, Android Studio, Gradle, Jenkins (CICD), Retrofit, Picasso, Room, Realm DB, Google Play, Crashlytics, Facebook SDK, Social Network SDKs, Zendesk

Android Auto, AppLink, Chromecast SDK, Google AdMob, Travis CI, Fabric, Firebase, Zeplin, BitBucket, Git, BugSee, OkHttp, Dagger, Mopub SDK, RxJava, Butterknife, ReactNative, jUnit, Mockito, Espresso, Robolectric, Google ARcore

iOS Apps

Swift, Objective-C, Bash, SQL

Travis/Jenkins/Bitrise CIs, Git, JIRA, iTunes Connect, XCode Developer Tools, Cocoapods, Carthage, Firebase, Alamofire, SpriteKit, Social Network SDKs (like Instagram, Facebook, etc.), AVFoundation/AudioToolbox, CoreLocation, CoreData, SiriKit, Typhoon+Swinject, RxSwift, Realm, MVVM, VIPER, DDUI (data-driven UI), Push Notifications, IAP, AR, Apple Pay, Sourcery/GraphQL

Hybrid and Cross-Platform App Development

Xamarin, React Native, Cordova, Ionic, Flutter

Project Roadmap

1. Project Discovery

A successful digital transformation journey starts with the product discovery process. Project requirements and user demands analysis, as well as idea feasibility testing, are the integral components of this stage.

2. UI/UX Design

It's hard to imagine an industry-winning app without a stunning, intuitive design. That is why our teams always do their best to visualize crucial business processes in compliance with the clients' requirements and elaborate eye-catching design concepts and wireframes capable to boost brand awareness.

3. MVP Development

At this stage, we apply our solution-based strategies and time-tested expertise to launch a minimum viable product for your future mobile app. Such an approach allows us to assess preliminary results and the product's basic functionality and save your resources.

4. Thorough Testing

After the MVP creation, we meticulously analyze the product, check whether the app is easy to navigate and use, fix the errors, and enhance security mechanisms, if necessary. This step is a crucial one, as it lets us deliver robust and innovative solutions.

5. Launch & Scaling

Once the app is launched to the market and the development cycle comes to an end, we carefully gather and analyze user feedback and ensure post-release support for our clients.


Alexander Arabey

Director of Business Development, Partner

“An MVP (minimum viable product) is the simplest version of a digital product with a number of basic features sufficient for launching and offering it to early users. In case you want to develop software of the highest possible quality with minimal effort, the MVP approach is a perfect option, and here's why:

  • The quicker you test your business idea on clients, the more opportunities you will get to make timely changes in the further app development process;
  • When prioritizing must-have features, it becomes possible to cut down initial investments and the time of development;
  • With an MVP, you can significantly accelerate product release, gather initial feedback quicker, and enhance the next product version.

That is why we strongly recommend our clients stick to the MVP approach.”

How to Get Started

Fill in the contact form

Get the quote

Sign the contract

Launch the project

Valuable Insights

Are mobile app developers still in demand?

Since lots of businesses keep investing huge resources to set up their digital presence, the demand for customer-centric, feature-rich mobile applications increases at a dizzy rate. As a result, highly-skilled mobile developers are needed more than ever.

Is mobile app development still profitable?

With the right business strategy up your sleeve, it is possible to derive revenue from effective ad inventory management, in-app purchases, and premium subscription offers. On average, mobile application owners can earn over $5,000/month.

How do I make an app for a startup?

Software product development begins with a feasible, unique app idea. Still, without a well-knit team of specialists and cutting-edge technologies, even the most demanding product can easily fail. To avoid pitfalls and outlive the competitors, you'd better resort to a trustworthy startup app development agency.

How much does it cost to build a custom mobile app?

Custom app development comes in handy when you need a product that is tailored to particular business goals and enriched with unique killer features. The exact cost of such business solutions depends on the complexity of embedded functions and design, necessity of API integration, app type, team's location, and others. The average floor price of custom mobile app development for startups is $10,000.

What is the best custom mobile app development company?

The best startup app development company is the one that is client-oriented, technically versed and has a time-tested experience in mobile creation and a great number of successful cases under its belt. We proudly announce that Qulix ticks all the boxes on this list and is ready to prove it in practice.

What are the stages of an app startup?

A mobile application startup undergoes traditional phases of business evolution like ideation, growth, and expansion. Each of these stages is accompanied by intricate technical and business processes, therefore, when launching a startup, choose a tech partner ready to hop on the challenge.


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