Jan 1, 2023

9 min

Gathering Ideal Web Development Team in 2024

What will make my project successful? Every development company asks this question before launching its website, product, platform, service, or any other solution. The answer is obvious - it's the right web development team. You may have a wonderful idea, a huge budget, tons of resources, cutting-edge technologies, and effective tools, but you'll just waste your time and money without carefully assembled specialists. One person can't effectively distribute the team roles, define business objectives and customer needs, perform development tasks, design user interfaces, and carry out the required tests. Keep reading this article to know how to build a team that will fit your project.

written by:

Alexander Arabey

Director of Business Development

web development team

What will make my project successful? Every development company asks this question before launching its website, product, platform, service, or any other solution. The answer is obvious - it's the right web development team. You may have a wonderful idea, a huge budget, tons of resources, cutting-edge technologies, and effective tools, but you'll just waste your time and money without carefully assembled specialists. One person can't effectively distribute the team roles, define business objectives and customer needs, perform development tasks, design user interfaces, and carry out the required tests. Keep reading this article to know how to build a team that will fit your project.

Web Development Team Structure

If you Google “How many websites are out there?” you’ll see a mind-boggling 1.14 billion. And that number keeps growing along with the demand for web development services. In 2024, we see more amazing sites and apps pushing the boundaries of what is possible on the web. We notice how companies are leveraging the power of the internet to reach new customers and grow their businesses. As the web becomes more accessible to people around the world, we also note more people using it to improve their lives and communities. To keep these positive tendencies moving, companies need skilled and talented web developers. So let’s take a look at what roles should be filled to create a top-notch team in 2024:

web development team structure

Business Analyst

The main task of a business analyst is to establish communication between the development team and the customer. Why can't a customer work with web developers directly? There are several reasons for this. First of all, the customer is not always able to quickly and efficiently prepare documentation for the development team due to a lack of time, resources, experience, or knowledge. As a result, it adversely affects the product.

The business analyst collects customer's requirements for a product (website, application, platform, and so on), analyzes its design and features, and prepares technical specifications describing the future solution, interface, production environment, functionality, etc. Together with marketers, this specialist conducts market and competitor research, identifies the target audience in order to make the product competitive and in demand. Then the business analyst draws up and negotiates the required documentation with the customer.

So, the business analyst is responsible for planning the optimal development process, interpreting customer requirements, preparing documentation, and implementing effective communication between the customer and the development team members. This will help the web development company to avoid misunderstandings and numerous alterations in the future. For example, IAG Consulting revealed that poor business analysis capability led to a number of project failures that exceeded success by three times.

customer requirements

Project Manager

When the business analyst identifies the customer's requirements and draws up the documentation, it's time for the project manager to come onto the stage. As you've already understood from the name of the profession, this specialist is in charge of project management throughout the entire software development lifecycle (SDLC). Project managers continuously interact with everyone who is involved in the project: web development teams, customers, contractors, and so on.

team roles

The project manager distributes roles and responsibilities among the web development team members, draws up a project plan, establishes a schedule, motivates the team, controls the process, solves the problems, brings the project requirements to every team member, and performs other necessary actions. This specialist is also tasked with budgeting, time management, risk management, and reporting. They always provide the customer with information on the development progress, regularly demonstrate the functionality of the product, its versions, and prototypes.

Hiring a project manager can save you tons of time because he/she monitors compliance with the deadlines by each member of the development team. For example, they see in advance when someone is not doing well and can prevent a crisis. Thanks to this, the company avoids customer dissatisfaction because it adheres to quality standards and does everything on time. According to the Project Management Institute, 89% of businesses implementing PM practices gain success and waste 13 times less money.

development projects

UI/UX Designer

Your web development team can't do without a UI/UX designer whose main task is to create comfortable, intuitive, and user-friendly interfaces. First of all, let's find out what is UX and UI. These abbreviations stand for User Experience and User Interface.

As the name suggests, UX design is the experience a user gets from interacting with your product. Therefore, UX designers need to do a lot of research and analytical work in order to clearly understand who will use the product and for what purposes. Based on this data, they create wireframes and a product prototype. It includes the functionality, the arrangement of elements relative to each other, etc.

UI is a visual embodiment of UX design, which consists of animations, photos, illustrations, buttons, menus, fonts, sliders, and other elements. The user interface should be beautiful, up-to-date, and easy to use so that a user can clearly understand their function. UI designers don't just create beautiful icons, they make your web application or website user-friendly, adaptive, and unique. So, UX designers think out how customers will interact with the interface and which steps to take to reach a goal. UI designers, in turn, visualize these steps. Since all these tasks are usually performed by one person, we're speaking about a UI/UX designer.

interface design

Web Developers

Your web development team cannot function without developers. They are a true backbone of any web development project, responsible for taking a website design and writing the code to bring it to life. And let us tell you, they do some truly amazing things behind a computer screen. Front-end, back-end, and full-stack developers each have their own key responsibilities within a team. What are they?

Front-end developers

Front-end developers are engaged in client-side web development. Simply put, this professional creates everything that users see in the browser, including websites, interfaces, buttons, registration forms, other interaction elements, etc. They are aimed at making a convenient and user-friendly product so that customers will be able to easily navigate the pages, app, website, and so on. Front-end developers usually use the following programming languages: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and TypeScript. Besides, they apply a wide range of web development tools, such as Angular, Vue, React, and many others.

development teams

Back-end developers

Back-end developers, in turn, work with server-side web application logic or the technical part of the product. They are responsible for the functionality, operation speed, performance, optimization, etc. These specialists deal with internal processes, think through the program logic for servers, develop databases and internal architecture. Their programming languages are PHP, Python, Ruby, Java, Perl, C #, and JavaScript. In addition, back-end developers use various tools, such as Django, Symfony, Laravel, Yii2, Node.js, and others.

Full-stack developers

A full-stack developer is a versatile specialist who can deal with both server-side and client-side web development. They know a wide range of technologies and are even able to create a web project by themselves, which is especially useful for startups. For example, they can perform both front-end and back-end tasks.

Your web development team can include specialists with different experiences, backgrounds, knowledge, and skills. For example, there are junior, middle, and senior specialists depending on their expertise. Besides, they know different languages, possess different tools, work with different platforms, and have different areas of expertise. That's why you should gather your dream team, taking into account your project requirements and business objectives.

web app

QA Engineer

When your website or web application is ready, you must test its security, performance, and usability. Businesses lost about $2.08 trillion due to poor software quality in 2020, according to the report published by Synopsys. If you don't want your potential customers to choose your competitors, your web development team should definitely have a quality assurance (QA) engineer and testers. They check the product for bugs and compliance with the requirements, prepare a QA report, and submit it to the developers so that they will fix any problems.

Testers must be able to ask the right questions and communicate with colleagues in order to clearly understand how the product works, how it will be perceived by users, and what technical difficulties the development team may face. It's vital for your business to have QA engineers because they will identify errors before your product reaches users, which will save your reputation and ensure a positive user experience.

quality assurance

Marketing Team Structure

Well, your team needs not only technical specialists who will be directly involved in the software development process. Think about the marketing team who will take care of promotion activities. It usually consists of the following members:

information architecture

Marketing Strategist

So, marketers join the project before the development process and continue to work with the product after the completion. Their task is to tell customers about your solution, its features, advantages, and benefits for users. The marketing specialists conduct market research at the first stage of the project, identify the target audience and investigate their demands and preferences, draw up a marketing strategy, prepare and launch marketing campaigns, define the most appropriate distribution channels, deal with social networks and influencers, monitor performance, and so on. In addition, the marketing specialists work closely with an SEO specialist and content writers to promote the product in the market.

SEO Specialist

The main responsibility of a search engine optimization (SEO) specialist is content management, analyzing the requests of the target audience, choosing effective advertising tools, offering visitors interesting content, publishing banners and advertising news on frequently visited sites and in social networks, working with search engines to increase traffic and website rankings. They draw up technical specifications for content writers and designers. High search engine ranking and unique content will attract new customers to your website, let them get to know your products and solutions, boost your sales, and, finally, make a profit. By the way, Hubspot revealed that 61% of the marketing specialists reported that SEO generates more leads than other marketing measures.

Content Writer

To fill your site with useful and engaging content, your team needs writers who will create advertising and informational texts of all kinds. They include blog articles, external articles, newsletters, commercial offers, posts and comments for social networks, reviews of companies, products and services, landing pages, slogans, and much more. The content writers will communicate with other team members. For example, receive and discuss technical specifications from the SEO specialist, create images for articles with designers, consult with web developers and other technical specialists when writing white papers and other highly specialized articles.

development project

Bottom Line

OK, we've told you about the most important roles that make up an effective web development team. The business analyst will communicate with the customers, while the project manager will coordinate all the stages of the development process. Developers will bring your ideas to life, UI/UX designers will work on the appearance of your solution, and QA engineers will check its quality and performance. Finally, marketers will promote your product and increase your brand awareness. Your task is just to define the number of specialists, their specialization and competencies depend on your project and requirements.

If you want to develop any solution and lack talents or don't know how to assemble a strong team, we can help you. At Qulix, we have a wide pool of professionals who can build any app or website from scratch. For more details, please visit our website or get in touch with our support team.

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