May 26, 2016

4 min

Internet of Things — the future is already here

Life is becoming smarter: smart city, smart home, smart car, smart watch. More and more aspects of our lives get influenced by the Internet of Things. It’s no longer a story from a fantasy movie. The majority of traditional devices like wash machines or fridges are already connected with a smart phone.

written by:

Anton Rykov

Product Manager, Qulix Systems

blog (2)


Life is becoming smarter: smart city, smart home, smart car, smart watch. More and more aspects of our lives get influenced by the Internet of Things. It’s no longer a story from a fantasy movie. The majority of traditional devices like wash machines or fridges are already connected with a smart phone.

Both consumers and companies will benefit from the connected world. In future customer and company won’t meet at a point of sale. They will be continually interacting while the client uses the product and the corresponding services.

The connected devices will provide users with the highest quality of life, more comfort, security and fun.

Companies, on their part, will get a chance to increase efficiency, reduce costs and optimize recourses usage.

Key benefits

Customer satisfaction

IoT enables to react quickly on the users’ requirements and adapt products and services to their specific needs. At the same time, due to users’ feedback available in real time, product or service quality can be improved within a short space of time.

Costs reduction

Implementation of IoT technologies in business can enormously reduce costs, for example, through using smart energy grids to decrease energy consumption or remote monitoring and maintenance to optimize the amount of manpower.

Sales increase

Systematic data collection and automatic analysis allow more accurate and objective decision making. This personalized and targeted system provides more efficiency and, as a result, increases business sales volume.


Sensors and video cameras can improve security and protect from physical threats. Due to better reaction to dangerous occurrences they can be cured more quickly.

New business potential

IoT can help to diversify or expand business, for example, through offering new or extended service options like monitoring for incident prevention.

Main trends

Big Data

IoT requires gathering a huge volume of data. To avoid data overload the right solutions for data storage and analysis will be in great demand.

Cloud and data protection

The connected devices represent a target for cyber criminals.

Secure connection, data storage and protection will have a top priority for the IoT technology.


Smooth integration of new IoT technologies in the existing systems will require advanced skills and high-qualified specialists.

Internet of Things is more than just a buzzword now. The digital transformation of our daily life has already started.  It is happening as a matter of course providing us a key to more comfortable, safe and sustainable future.



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