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Jul 20, 2022 9 min

How to Create a Money Lending Mobile App: 5 Practical Ideas

Need to get some money ASAP? You can turn to banks, friends, or family. But there is a better, smart option available anywhere at any time — loan lending apps. Meanwhile, the tech behind money lending apps has changed the world of finance forever. So, finding the correct answer to the question “how to create…

Jul 19, 2022 7 min

Predictive Analytics in Finance: The Ultimate Guide 2022

Today, we collect more data than ever. Clients are generating data with every interaction they have with your company. With the right technology, such as predictive analytics, we can now leverage that information to foresee what to expect in the future. Surely, every industry can benefit from it, but let’s focus on predictive analytics in finance….

Jul 18, 2022 9 min

Financial App Design: What to Know in 2022

Digital banking services have significantly grown in recent years, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. According to, the global mobile banking market is expected to grow to $30.1 billion by 2026. People use banking apps because it allows them to make all transactions without leaving their home, save time, and avoid long queues in the…

Jun 3, 2022 7 min

What Is RPA in Finance? Do You Need It Right Now?

You know the feeling when you have to spend a good deal of time on finance operations and repetitive tasks month after month, huh? Like being stuck in Groundhog Day with no chances to escape? However, there is a perfect remedy for this pain. If you know the answer to the “what is RPA in…

Apr 29, 2022 7 min

How Blockchain Is Changing Finance in 2022

Have you ever invested in crypto? And your granny? And your dog? Since today’s global events cause extreme price fluctuations and disrupt the traditional exchange market, everyone who is trying to save their assets should plunge into the crypto world and study its rules. And, according to Statista, the trend for cryptocurrencies will only grow….