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Search by category: Artificial Intelligence

Machine Learning
May 14, 2020 7 min

How to Implement a Machine Learning Algorithm in Code

Practice makes perfect. That is so absolutely true about coding! Especially when it comes to machine learning and those algorithms that come with it. In this post we tried to cover some info on how you can be effective when implementing a machine learning algorithm and what conclusions you can draw from the coding process….

Artificial Intelligence
Apr 16, 2020 7 min

Artificial Intelligence: How It Shapes the Future of Business Today

We all live in the digital era, with many innovations easing both our daily lives and business activities thanks to Artificial Intelligence (AI). In this article, we tried to cover a few major points which benefits can digital mind bring to us all and how we may profit from the synergy effect of introducing AI…

Tech predictions
Jan 24, 2020 7 min

What the Future Has in Stock for Us: 20 Predictions for 2020. Part 2

The year 2020 has much to offer. The expansion of 5G and other prospective wireless technologies is round the corner, which opens a lot of possibilities for the implementation of technological solutions in any sphere. This, in its turn, will create huge amounts of data to be processed, analyzed and utilized for the greater good….

Tech News of 2019
Jan 10, 2020 7 min

Top Technology News of 2019. Part 2: On the Software Side of the Moon

2020 is in full effect already, with breaking news on our screen constantly popping up. Let’s dig for some nostalgia and remember what the year 2019 brought for the developers’ community. The list of the most remarkable news is incomplete for sure, since we hand-picked only a couple among the best of the best. Indulge…

Internet of Things in Banking
Nov 29, 2019 7 min

Connected Finances. Part 2: When the Internet of Things Secures Your Finances

The Internet of Things has a considerable flair for innovations and is penetrating virtually any sphere of human activities. Surely, we all have noticed how our finances have moved towards becoming all digital and we are gradually forgetting what it is like to use paper cash. More on how businesses are adopting the benefits of…